My balancing act between motherly love and entrepreneurial spirit

Summertime - a time that for many means vacation, relaxation and sunshine. For me as a working mother, however, it brings with it an additional challenge: balancing the care of my son and the running of my business. But how do I manage this balancing act?

It's those little moments that stay in the heart. The ones where my son's laughter permeates the summer air as we stroll hand-in-hand along the beach. These moments, so fleeting and yet so precious, are what make life worth living.

It is these moments that remind me why I work so hard. My goal is to provide him with a world of opportunity while ensuring that I am successful in my business. The challenge is finding the right balance....

A world of balance

Each day begins with a loving wake-up call from my son. Before we get out of bed, we take time to snuggle and cuddle. These moments are precious and irreplaceable for me. They give me strength for the day.

When it comes to dividing time between work and my son, I often experience a sense of inner conflict. When I'm working, I'm plagued by a guilty conscience that I'm not with my son.
When I am with my son, I feel like work is getting left behind. But I have learned to push those thoughts to the back of my mind and focus entirely on the moment.

The I have realized that time is a thief. It steals the precious moments before you realize it, and that's why it's so important to cherish each moment and be intentional about it. I love watching my son play, sharing his enthusiasm for the water and seeing his little feet in the sand. Then my mind can't be on my work. The other way around when I'm working, I'm fully focused! I always try to give all my attention to what I'm doing without a guilty conscience.

Mami Sohn am Strand in dem Sommer Urlaub UV SChutz

Appreciation of moments

Mondays are my high focus day where I plan the week and do all the most important to-do's for the week. Every other day of the week is dedicated to a different topic so I don't get bogged down.
Fridays I have set up as a "mommy day." On this day, I spend all of my time with my son and we always do something special together. Saturdays are a normal work day for me that I dedicate to my clients. Sundays are our family days. These set times help me find a balance between my role as a mother and my work.

In the evenings, when I get home from work, I cook for the family and we eat together. Then comes bedtime, another special moment I always spend with my son. Invariably, I put him to bed and often fall asleep myself, exhausted from a long day.
If I ever manage not to fall asleep, I use the quiet of the evening to clean up the apartment and continue working until I'm too tired. It's those quiet hours when I often have my best ideas and am most productive.

I don't have to be perfect...

Yes, it's a balancing act and sometimes it feels like a balancing act or even a marathon. But I've learned that it's okay to not be perfect. It's okay if the house is messy sometimes. It's okay if I feel overwhelmed sometimes. What really matters is the love I give my son and the passion I put into my work.

The biggest lesson I've learned is that it is possible to do both. It takes planning, organization, and sometimes a little chaos. But with love and dedication, you can be a loving parent and a successful entrepreneur. It's hard work, but ultimately these are the moments that make life worth living: the joy of my son playing in the sand, the satisfaction when I complete a successful project, and the quiet evenings when we fall asleep together. These are the moments I cherish and remind me that I, am living exactly the life I want to live.

I hope these words inspire other working parents out there. We all do our own balancing act, and while it's not always easy, it's worth the journey.

How do you balance work and family?
Share your tips and story in the comments....

Mutter Sohn Liebe Sommer Sonne Urlaub Strand Elegant UV Schutz

Sohn Baby Kind am Strand Sand UV Schutz

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